Are Protein Shakes Making You Fat?

Liquid breakfasts are a new trend; Weight loss shakes are now a great way of losing weight.

Are they healthy?
Protein powders are being sold to replace meals as a healthier alternative. The premise behind a powder is that it’s meant help you replenish your lost stores of protein, particularly after exercising.

It is very heavily processed and contains reconstituted particles, are you certain that adding protein supplements into their diet is going to be of benefit?

They could be making you fat
If you’ve added protein powders/weight loss shakes to your diet along with what you would eat normally you will probably gain weight, it depends on how much you exercise. If you exercise at a medium pace you do not need protein powders.

If you’re looking for that protein hit to replenish stores, you’re better off choosing some real food options like nuts, a glass of milk, some yoghurt, two boiled eggs, even a piece of wholegrain toast with some peanut butter on it is also a delicious option. When you chew food you recognize that you’ve eaten.

Drinking calories is a lot easier than eating them. When you drink weight loss shakes there isn’t any fiber to slow down the process, meaning you intake more calories.

There is an ideal time for consumption
The best time to consume it is half an hour after a workout or not all. It is one of the best times for your body to absorb all the nutrients. It’s a big mistake to think you can consume it at any time of the day, it is recommended to those who workout for long hours at the gym to help them replace their lost protein stores. It is also recommended to those who have trouble gaining weight.

Choose one with carbs
It’s best to have one with 15-20gs of protein half an hour after working out. Make sure you also have enough carbs in them because if there is too much protein and less carbs you won’t replenish your muscles and your glycogen stores.

Your muscles work on both protein and carbohydrates, carbs are fattening and once again that’s not the case. One that’s minimally processed with the most natural ingredients is a good pick. They often tend to be a bit leaner if you are using a more plant-based or vegan protein powder.
